Time-wasters can be visible or invisible.
A visible time-waster would be slow drivers blocking you and making you late. An invisible one would be the existence of a super satisfying no-traffic shortcut that no one told you about.
We usually hear from clients when things stop working. “Can’t print, can’t get online, can’t send that email. What the &!#$%! This was JUST working.”
Those are visible and painful.
The invisible comes to light when I’m sitting with a client and do some quick Jedi keyboard thing and they say “whoa whoa whoa what did you just do there?”
They see how much time I just saved them with something they didn’t know was possible. They tell me that one thing was worth the hour. Mind: blown.
Instead of moving the mouse and painstakingly clicking the right spot in Safari to type a new URL, I hit command-L and just start typing.
Instead of clicking and dragging to move windows out of the way, I hit command-tab to get to another app. I use Exposé to jet around quickly.
I set keyboard commands to move emails into different folders so I can zip through the email monster pile in seconds.
We made a list of all the fastest ways to do every task on a Mac and we’d love to share. Comment here with a question for a free tip or check out our Powerpreneur program if you want more.