I think the word “sales” has a bad rap. Movies, stereotypes, and generalizations have tarnished its name.
In the old way, here’s how I think it went:
I have a thing I want to sell you to make money
My family depends on me making money
You are a walking bag of money
I pretend to care about what you want
I manipulate with partial truths and some dishonesty
My goal is to serve myself and my bottom line
You buy the thing
You have regrets
I don’t offer much followup
We pass each other on the street in a year and I look the other way
In the new way, I think it should go something like this:
I connect with you on a very authentic human level
We get to know each others’ businesses a bit
I tell you briefly about the thing I sell
I learn about what you want and make sure you’d even benefit
My goal is to help you and to demonstrate caring
We discuss the specifics of how you benefit, honestly
We look at pricing and payment options
You say yes (but I’m fine if you’d said no)
The followup support rocks and you feel continued caring
I ask if you know people who could benefit
You send a steady stream of qualified people my way
We go for lunch every six months, on me
Let’s work together to redefine “sales”! 🙂
I love the last part, did I understand well “lunch on you”? You should rewrite the entire Webster Dictionary, Lucas!