(A blog post by Lucas Roberts)
If you have a ton of stuff on your mind and you think you have to JUST DO IT to get it off your mind, you’re wrong.
I was walking to class a week ago with a ton on my mind, and I had an epiphany.
There are two ways to get something off your mind. Either get it done, or have a plan and trust that it will get done.
How does this relate to computer problems?
Almost everyone I know has a worry somewhere on their mind about their technology. “My data isn’t secure, I hope I can send that proposal on time, I need to make that Keynote presentation for next week and I don’t want it to suck.”
To have that worry gone forever, completely off the mind, either do it now or make a plan to do it at a certain time and make the decision to trust yourself.
If you don’t trust your own skills to do it, plan to sit with someone who you trust 100% will have the skills.
A magical thing happens. It’ll feel like all the problems are gone.